zaterdag 27 juni 2015

Hardtailing: The actual welding

Later I decided that this part had to be very strong and good because of safety. Therefor I chose to let the welding do by a professional. I went with my project to the Old Garage ( ). There I asked him to weld the hardtail to the frame. Afterwards this was a good choice of me and he did a very good job.

vrijdag 26 juni 2015

Hardtailing: Cutting and fitting the hardtail kit

First I tried to cut as least as possible material away to be sure I didn't do anything wrong. I wanted to weld the hardtail myself. So I puzzled a lot to make the best fit in frame and hardtail. 

zaterdag 20 juni 2015

Hardtailing: Buying the hardtail

The most difficult part of the whole project is by far hardtailing the Yamaha frame. I searched a lot on internet to find the cheapest, easiest and best way to hardtail my frame.
There are a lot of ready to the last gaiter button hardtails but not for my frame.

Hardtail for the Harley Sportster ( )
This is not the good hardtail for me.

Hardtail for the Yamaha XS600 ( )
This was a long time my best option because I thought its for a Yamaha and it wil fit more Yamaha's than only the XS. I was very wrong about it and I realised it later.

Finally I thought I had found the ideal kit for my Yamaha. It is really the best kit for universal purpose. However I have totally no experience with welding so this was going to be very difficult. I always wanted to learn welding so I thought this is a very good moment to learn it myself. I bought a welding post and learned myself a little bit of welding BEFORE buying anything. However I really doubted about the succes rate.

So after the research I decided to go to a specialist. I went to in Dentergem, a Harley Davidson specialist. There I met Barry the owner of the shop, a very helpfull and friendly man. I had a conversation with him and he told me the universal kit is very very difficult to use especially if you can't weld. So i stepped away from that plan. Barry searched with me for a new solution and we came up with this hardtail kit ( ). He thought this will fits best on my frame but wasn't 100% sure. I decided to buy it and go for it!

When I finally got it I tried to make a good plan in my head to fit it to the frame. I had to cut some pieces of the hardtail but also from my frame and I didn't want to make mistakes. I decided to do it piece by piece.