zondag 29 november 2015

Installing the headlight and cutting some wires out

Together with Joachim we followed the electrics diagram to cut out the most of the wiring I am not going to use anymore, some switches, pinkers, sidestandswitch,... So we reduced the amount of cables a lot already, next week we will rewire the beast again! Hopefully we don't miss anything so she we fire up again! :p

Installing the velocity stack

This looks very nice on the bike!

New parts arrived!

Finally the new parts arrived! Now I can rewire the whole bike. I have also ordered a velocity stack, I really like that!

maandag 23 november 2015

Battery Box

Starting with the steel I got from a factory in their trashbin I made a batterbybox. I also provided a little space under the battery for the electronica units and my controls. So this is a nice clean and small box, where I can hide the ugly components.

Joachim is helping

donderdag 19 november 2015

Electrics: Part TWO

Monday I ordered new parts. I ordered a new cable set to rewire some things. I also ordered the lights! Can't wait to unpack the stuff!
Yesterday I went to a Metal factory to collect some junk parts to make a battery box. Very exited now! Updates follow this weekend.

zaterdag 14 november 2015

Start up 2

I rewired some stuff and we ( Joachim and I ) had some troubles finding a leak. But we could start it. However there is something running not very smoothly but I will figure that later out. ( if someone nows what it is please feel free to tell me! )

zaterdag 7 november 2015

Shorten the sidestand

Because the whole bike is now lower to the ground I had to shorten the sidestand. I just cut out a piece of the original and welded it back together

zondag 1 november 2015

New wheels !!!!!

I'm very very very excited about this new wheels. This gave me an extra boost. I really really really would like to ride this bike, can't wait!